As usual Lori's advice is right on target. We are indeed
unique and should let God use our uniqueness to be a
blessing to others.
Taking Care of Yourself Series ...
You are unique. There is no one like you and God gave
you callings and abilities that are unique to you. I'm
not sure who said it first, but it's a sad thing "for
someone to go to their grave with their song unsung"
and I suspect this kind of personal lack is at the heart of
most depression.
We all need to express those things that God has put
within our hearts. What are your gifts? What do you
do well? What has God placed on your heart? You may
not be able to jump full throttle into what you love,
but you can begin to make small steps toward "singing
your song."
If you love to write, get a journal, work a few
minutes each day on your novel, help with a newsletter
or create a website for writers. If you have a heart
for young moms, babysit for a friend, write a parenting
book or organize a mom's group or co-op. These things
really are not that impossible if done a tiny step at a
We all need to express ourselves and those around us
need us and what we have to offer. Please don't
diminish your song. It needs to be a part of the
symphony of the body of Christ. We are each gifted
in a unique and important way.
It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.
Mary Dunbar
Mary Dunbar
Think generous! Lori
Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved
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